Frac sand truckers can make good money doing a dangerous job

Long before sunrise, Molly Sizer starts her day in West Texas as a professional frac sand hauler. 

She gets dressed, drives her Peterbilt truck to one of the dozens of frac mines around the Permian Basin, is loaded with 50,000 pounds of sand, drives 100 miles or more through crowded bumpy roads and finally delivers the sand to frac well sites somewhere in the vicinity of Odessa or Midland, Texas.

“It may seem repetitive, but to make oilfield money you have stay on the grind,” Sizer said. “Driving one of those trucks is a very exciting feeling, it makes you feel free, it makes you feel empowered.” 

The oil and gas industry is booming in the Permian Basin, an 86,000-square-mile area spanning southern New Mexico and West Texas. It is one of the largest oil and gas producing regions in the world, accounting for 35 percent of United States crude oil and 17 percent of its natural gas production, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).


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